Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Mother For All

[Me and Mok]

That’s Grandma – a grandmother and also a mother shared by all which explains the reason why everyone in the family calls her Mok. Be it her grandchild from Dungun or her son-in-law from Parit Sulong in the state of Johore, she is a Mok to both. She was Mok for everybody in those olden days and forever she is abound by such title until the last day of the youngest of our consanguinity would ever live on earth, and by that event, nobody would remember Mok anymore but that’s too extreme for me to imagine.

Remembering Mok is always bringing in echoes of her voices saying thoughtful advice and there's one I constantly remember;

“Ingat Pa’ih, semayang jangang tinggal! Kekgi kat Padang Mahsyar duduk kat paling belakang, dok napok Allah kat depang!”

I believe that needs no translation because it was indeed just for me. You guys have your own version of Mok to do that for you.